Saturday, October 17, 2009

McCoy Tyner - Remembering John

Remembering John... means Remembering John Coltrane. A very nice idea for an album, especially by the person who had been the pianist in his quartet for many years, and recorded together such songs that changed the jazz history.

Remembering John is very easy, because he left so many treasures for the future, his characteristics was extremely strong. So McCoy just had to choose well from the possibilities - and he did a great work. And, more important, a great work in performing them. The whole album is a trio record, and it's amazing that he can create so dense and highly expressive music by one piano, like other more instruments would play. McCoy Tyner and his piano is just like all the vibrations of the song and all the vibrations of the performer's emotions. Approximately two years ago I had the fortune to hear him in a live performance in Budapest, Művészetek Palotája (Palace of Arts). He's old now, but plays as he would be at the highest point of his energy. I remember as he walked slowly and a little bit uncertainly to the piano, but when he sat down, and started to play, everything changed and became live, vivid and dynamic. That night is an unforgettable event in my life.

As we hear the songs each after each, McCoy shows his light and serious side as well. Light and glad in In walked Bud, but highly complex for example in Pursuance. Beautiful in Good morning heartache, and let's stop here for a few seconds. This is one the best titles I've ever heard, and the best performance. It's so expressive with its emphasized differences, and I dare to say, this is what a jazz ballad should be like (leastwise in a modern way). After it there's one more possibility to give a cool ending for this album, and it's the deeply expressed and serious Wise one.

It could be very difficult to reperform these songs, because in the old times he was a great background for Coltrane's sounds, but now, he has to combine Coltrane's main melodies with his playing, and to create a newer adaptation. A newer adaptation in audiophile sounding. It's a real value, and a perfect honour for Coltrane.

Here's the tracklist on which I wrote the original albums next to a few tracks:

1. India (Impressions)
2. Giant steps (Giant steps)
3. In walked Bud
4. Like someone in love
5. One and four
6. Up 'gainst the wall (Impressions)
7. Good morning heartache
8. Pursuance (A love supreme)
9. Wise one (Crescent)

Wise one (part):

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