Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hanne Hukkelberg - Rykestrasse 68

Staring out the window, and watching the snow as it falls, as it's being thickened, as it doesn't want to stop. Rykestrasse 68 is a real "winter" album by the Norwegian singer-songwriter - but rather experimental music maker - lady, Hanne Hukkelberg. It's her second album, a much more listenable than her first, Little things, but it fortunately keeps the advantages of that earlier one. These advantages are: widening and mixing the styles, using both English and Norwegian language on the same album (it's an exciting thing for foreigners, like me), making melodies and rhythms of noises and other sounds, creating a new little world, making experiments and exciting effects with her own voice. This mix leads to a half acoustic-half electronic sound, which is half-natural and half-strange.
My favourite songs on this album: the first one, Berlin (a nice introducing melody, with a cosy lyrics, see below), A cheater's armoury (the most "pop" song on this disc - if I can say this - which also got a video, see below, too), Northwind (with a more and more strenghtening refrain and some typewriting sounds), the rhythmic Ticking bomb, and the last song, Pynt, with the speciality of Norwegian singing.

Have a nice trip to Rykestrasse 68.

Read about her newest album, Blood from a stone.


1 comment:

  1. Hey. Cool post! The video production team I work for recently edited a video for Hanne, thought you might enjoy! Let us know if you're interested in posting it :)


    Youtube: (in HD)

    We would love feedback from you - this is a relatively new endeavor for us. We'll try to keep you in the loop if we film other bands you have featured.

    Thanks for your time!
